MicroStation Help

ArcGIS Enterprise Portal Configuration

MicroStation works with ArcGIS Online and you can access secure services offered by ArcGIS Online without using any configuration.

ArcGIS Enterprise Portal Configuration is used only if GIS data is stored in ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise and requires user authentication.

For MicroStation to connect with an ESRI ArcGIS Enterprise that requires user authentication, you must create an application and register in ArcGIS Enterprise.

To access your GIS data securely use the following steps:

1. Log in to the ArcGIS Enterprise portal using your administrator credentials.

2. From the top menu bar, click Content, click My Content tab, and click on the New item.

The New item Section opens.

3. In the New item section, select Application.

4. In the New item panel, select the Other application option and click Next.

5. In the Title field, enter a descriptive name that will help you quickly identify the Bentley application to use this newly generated app. For example, the title "MicroStation Based Application" is shown in the image below.

Keep other fields as default and click Save.

The application overview page opens.

6. On the application overview page, click on the Settings tab.

7. Scroll to the bottom of the page and Click on Registered Info.

8. The information shown in the image below is an example, each case will differ.

Copy the App ID to the clipboard or in any text editor. It will be used in a subsequent step.

Click on the Update button and enter Redirect URI as:

Click Update.

9. In your browser, log in to the ArcGIS portal administrator page. For example, https://your_portal_server_name/portal/portaladmin/

10. Click on Security > OAuth > Change AppID.

11. In the Current App ID field paste the AppID you copied in step 8.

12. In the new App ID field enter: Bentley_Microstation

13. Select HTML in the Format dropdown.

14. Click Change App ID.

MicroStation connects to secured ArcGIS services on this ArcGIS Enterprise Server.